Changing habits | Protect yourself and others from coronavirus

-Protect yourself & others-

 Keep safe 



-Away from Coronavirus-  

We strongly advise you to read this series of articles and make sure that you know the followings that you can do to protect yourself and others from coronavirus

Practise food safety:

1\ Cook thoroughly and handle properly during food preparation for safely consuming. For examply, you are not advised to eat raw egg although it is delicious. 

2\ Use different chopping boards and knives for raw meat and cooked foods.

3\ Wash your hands between handling raw and cooked food.


Protect others:

1\ Avoid close contact when you are experiencing cough and fever.

2\ Avoid spitting in public

3\ Cover mouth and nose with tissue or flexed elbow when coughing and sneezing.

4\ Throw tissue into closed bin immediately after use instead of placing it at random.

5\ Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water after coughing or sneezing and when caring for the sick.

Previous articles:

Staying at home | Protect yourself and others from coronavirus

Washing hands | Protect yourself and others from Coronavirus

(Source from WHO)


International Support Team

Department of Campus Life

