A Memorable Souvenir: Medical Staff Get 'Limited Edition'...

Medical workers were given a special souvenir as they prepared to leave central Chinas Wuhan, the early epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Commemorative limited edition boarding passes were elaborately prepared at the Wuhan Tianhe International Airport for medical team members who had come from all over the country to help Hubei recover from the virus.

In the airport waiting hall, travelers took pictures together with their passes, which they can now keep as a testament to their extraordinary journey.

Members of medical teams from all over the country arrived at the airport one after another, forming a special bond and greeting each other warmly, even though many had never met before.

As the epidemic prevention and control situation gradually improves around the nation, medical teams are now ready to leave in batches.

As per current arrangement, 3,675 people from 41 national medical teams set off on their return journey on March 17. During their stay in Wuhan, medical staff provided services at 14 mobile cabin hospitals and seven designated hospitals. 

Source: xinua

Editor: Crystal H

