6 Returnees from Italy Without Telling Truth Confirmed Infected

Source: HangzhouTube, China Daily

Good morning

Recently, the public security organ of Qingtian County, Lishui, Zhejiang Province, formally filed a case against six returnees, including Wang and Ye, for the crime of impeding the prevention and control of infectious diseases. 

Qingtian County Public Security Bureau reported that on March 10, 2020, six people, including Wang and Ye, suspected of impeding the prevention and control of infectious diseases, were put on file for investigation. According to the investigation, Wang and Ye were in the same restaurant in Italy. Before returning to China, they had symptoms of coughing, headache and fever. They returned to Zhejiang from Italy recently, and were diagnosed as COVID-19 cases. 

Police said Wang and Ye were suspected of violating the criminal law of the people's Republic of China and the law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases, and the case is under further investigation.

A Letter to Passengers Traveling (Back) to Zhejiang

According to the foreign affairs of Yiwu on March 11, Zhejiang Foreign Affairs released A Letter to Passengers Traveling (Back) to Zhejiangwhich is as follows:


Dear Passengers,

In response to the further spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, Zhejiang Provincial People's Government has adopted the following measures to better protect your health and the health of others:


1. Follow the guidance of the staff on site and take the shuttle bus provided by the provincial governments office in Shanghai and other relevant departments, which will take you to Jiaxing Dayun Checking Station (1h40mins drive from Pudong International Airport; and 1h10mins drive from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport). Please wear masks and fill in the passenger information form while you are on the bus. After arriving at the Checking Station, the local government of your destination will send a car to pick you up.


2. You can take a short break after arriving at Jiaxing Dayun Checking Station. In the meantime, please cooperate with staff in necessary epidemic prevention procedures, such as taking body temperature and filling out the health declaration form.


3. Upon arrival at your destination, please strictly abide by the relevant prevention and control measures implemented by local governments.


4. Those who refuse to cooperate or deliberately conceal their travel history, known contact or any symptoms of the disease, which result in the spread of the virus and endanger public safety, will be held liable under relevant provisions of the criminal law.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the containment measures. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Wish you good health and a pleasant journey.    


March 9th, 2020


Zhejiang Ships Relief Supplies to Italy

A chartered cargo plane departed from Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport at 5:50 am on Wednesday, carrying 4,556 packs of disaster-relief materials to epidemic-hit Italy.

The materials, the first batch from Zhejiang province, included medical face masks, N95 masks, gowns, protective clothing, goggles and latex gloves donated by people from all walks of life in Zhejiang, which has a population of more than 300,000 currently living and tapping business opportunities in Italy.

Many of the materials, weighing 26.4 metric tons in total, were donated by counties of Qingtian and Wencheng, the hometowns of most overseas Chinese in Zhejiang.


China will overcome difficulties and provide Italy with medical supplies and will increase exports of supplies and equipment to meet the urgent need, the State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Tuesday.


In a telephone conversation with Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio, Wang said that China would like to send medical teams to Italy to help combat the novel coronavirus.

Zhejiang Xianju: Blooming Flowers in the Countryside

On March 10, 2020, the cole flowers in Yangfengshan, Zhuxi Town, Xianju County, are blooming. Villages, roads and rural areas form a beautiful picture of spring.


Zhuxi Town, Xianju County, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, relying on the unique natural scenery and ecological environment of more than 2000 mu of ancient terraces in Yangfengshan, has developed rural tourism focusing on farming terraces, homestays and farmhouses to increase farmers' income.


After the rain, Xianju County is looming in the clouds and mists, just like fairyland on earth.

For Expats in Zhejiang

