20200204 China News

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FEB 04

EAcham China News

minutesKnow China


That Chinese tech companies have hit pay dirt in the humongous market of neighboring India is well known. So is the fact that Indian consumers have gone big on Chinese smartphones and appliances. But what is not so well known, perhaps, is the trend of Indian firms and professional talent making steady inroads into the China market.


Amid global growth slowdown, China's economy delivered a solid performance in 2019. The continual improvement in the economic structure was one of the bright spots that underpinned its high-quality development.


The ongoing coronavirus outbreak will have temporary, limited economic effects, but it won't leave a permanent mark on the Chinese economy due to the country's strong economic fundamentals, according to the nation's top economic regulator.


China's international goods and services trade surplus stood at 198.7 billion yuan ($28.3 billion) in December, official data showed Monday.


China is confident in its ability to minimize the impact on its economy by the novel coronavirus epidemic, said a senior government official.


At a time when the whole country is preventing and controlling the epidemic of the novel coronavirus, the Shanghai Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shanghai Municipal Healthcare Security Bureau and Shanghai Municipal Finance Bureau jointly announced on Monday four major policies to ease local companies' burdens to ensure normal operation.


Foreign trade enterprises in China will resume production capacity soon, while authorities are stepping up efforts to improve the business environment and reduce their burden, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Monday.


SourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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