Hilarious Ways Teachers Used to Prevent Students from Cheating

Take a look at some of the worlds funniest methods teachers have used to prevent their kids from cheating!


Old school: a box.

Before 360 cameras became a thing There was this.

On the ground, far apart from one another, and shirtless. 

Why? No why.

Umbrellas because these kids are about to MAKE IT RAIN!

When youve got the technology to watch over your students, might as well get yourself a whole surveillance team.

Keeping it modern with a drone. Lets hope it wasnt making too much noise flying around the classroom

Have you ever cheated on an exam? 

Whats the sneakiest way you - or someone you know - has resorted to without getting caught?

Dont be shy We promise not to tell your teacher ;-)

Editor: Crystal Huang

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