Describe people in Chinese SLANG words

How to describe people in Chinese SLANG word that you won't be taught from teacher? Let's check it out!


 nng mng 

The original meaning of nng mng is lemon which tastes sour.w nng mng le , similar to "I am jealous" and "I am envious."The word " nng mng" is sometimes replaced by "sun ".

Stay at home and not go out, indicates indoor activities such as surfing the Internet or playing video games.
The term " zhi " originated in Japan and is an abbreviation of "Otaku". It was first proposed by the famous Japanese cartoonist Nakamori in 1983 through comic works. It mainly describes those who are obsessed with animation and almost ignore time and energy. 
For example
zhi nn 
 ch hu 

People who like to eat a variety of food, and have a unique yearning for food, pursuit, tasteful food lovers, foodies.

The radical of  ch is composed of the shape of "bowl"; the "left falling" consists of the shape of "spoon"; the "horizontal" and "cross-hook" is the shape of the "chopsticks"; the "bend hooks" in the "cross-bend hooks" are composed of the shape of the "mouth".

dn shn gu
xu b

Supervisor: Crystal Huang

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