Have you seen or heard of the "cactus challenge?!
If you guessed it was about raising a cactus, you were wrong Its far worse than that.
Its as simple (and dangerous?) as running into a bunch of cacti!
Like this:
Its thorns penetrate deep inside the skin, and once you pull them out, blood starts flowing.
I feel his pain just from watching this GIF!
But wait, theres more This guy decided it would be a fun idea to play soccer with a piece of cactus BAREFOOT.
Hitting his precious parts... OUCH! Brave, or plain stupid?
The cactus challenge started in 2013 when people were tasked with eating a raw cactus.
While there are varieties of edible cacti, you usually have to cook it first!
If youre going to learn a few lessons here: and dont play with them!
Editor: Crystal Huang
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