Offenses Concerning Imported COVID-19 Cases in China Made Public

The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security on Friday made three cases public to deter offenses in China concerning the spread of novel coronavirus from abroad.

The cases involve three people in three provincial-level regions who allegedly violated Chinese laws and regulations on epidemic prevention and control, according to the authorities.

For one of the cases, a man surnamed Guo in Henan Province traveled abroad in early March and did not follow quarantine rules after he returned. He also refused to answer phone calls from local police and his mother lied to police about his overseas trips.

Guo was later confirmed to be infected with the novel coronavirus. Over 40 people who had close contact with him were quarantined.

Guo's case was filed on March 11. On April 3, Friday, the local court sentenced him to one and a half years in prison.

Police across the country have handled nearly 200 offenses concerning imported COVID-19 cases. Most of the offenders received administrative punishments, and some cases were filed as criminal offenses.

China will remain strict with law enforcement on epidemic prevention and control, said officials with the two departments, adding that anyone who enters the country should abide by Chinese laws.

As of Thursday, procurators across the country have handled 2,987 criminal cases related to epidemic prevention and control. They have approved the arrests of 3,138 people. Nearly 2,200 people have been prosecuted.

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

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