Shanghai Expands Quarantine List to Travelers From 16 Countries

Shanghai has expanded its 14-day quarantine rules to cover passengers entering the city from more countries and regions to contain the risk of the novel coronavirus outbreak, the local government said on Tuesday.

Passengers who have traveled or stayed in any of the 16 concerned countries 14 days prior to entering Shanghai are required to self quarantine at home or in designated facilities.

Those 16 countries are: South Korea, Italy, Iran, Japan, France, Spain, Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and Austria.

The municipal government added that it will timely adjust the list of countries and regions according to the global development of the epidemic. In the meantime, Zeng Qun, deputy director of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Civil Affairs, said stricter management procedures and stricter self-quarantine standards will be adopted for passengers arriving in Shanghai.

He also recommended that those required to self-quarantine should avoid staying in the same accommodation as someone else who isnt under quarantine to reduce the risk of cross-infection. If the self-quarantine conditions do not meet quarantine requirements, passengers will be transferred to designated areas and pay for accommodation and food themselves.

All passengers from the above-mentioned 16 countries will be transported to temporary inspection sites to take nucleic acid tests before quarantine. Those with positive test results will be transferred to designated medical institutions for further diagnosis and treatment.

Local police, health departments and community staff will implement stricter management measures to ensure that people in quarantine do not leave their residence. Those who leave without permission will be facing legal consequences.

The Shanghai Customs will conduct boarding inspections on all inbound flights from all 16 countries, said Ye Jian, deputy customs director. They have dispatched more personnel and resources to the risk control of passengers from other countries with lower virus risks. 

All staff will take travelers body temperature and review their health declaration forms. The coverage of nucleic acid tests for passengers will also significantly increase.

Stay tuned for more information on the development of imported cases from overseas.

Source: xinhua

Editor: Crystal H

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