No More Masks? China Health Commission Publishes New Guidelines

Excellent news for folks who are tired of wearing masks you dont need to wear them (in some places)!

Chinas National Health Commission (NHC) published a guide on their official website on Wednesday that recommends where and when to put on a mask. According to the guide, if youre outdoors in uncrowded places with good air flow, its recommended that you dont need to wear a mask. (You dont have to tell us twice.) 

As for public transit, malls, restaurants, bars, offices, office-themed bars and other crowded places, Chinas health experts recommend carrying a mask with you putting it on if you get within 1-meter of another individual. So, if you can manage to keep more than a meters length apart from others, youre good! However, if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, fever, tiredness, dificulty breathing, etc.), the NHC recommends wearing a single-use or surgical mask.

READ MORE: 7 Stats Behind China's Massive Mask Market

In high risk areas, the commission says workers should wear medical masks or KN95/N95 masks, while others can wear single-use masks.

The announcement comes at a good time as there is a global shortage of masks. In early March, the US granted China tariff exemptions for masks and other medical products due to a lack of supply around the world. 

Alibaba cofounder Jack Ma recently committed to donating six million masks as well as testing kits and hazmat suits to African nations through his foundation. Ma has also shipped medical supplies to Europe and last week announced plans to send one million masks to the US. In a statement posted on Twitter, Ma said:

Drawing from my own countrys experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate personal protective equipment for medical professionals are the most effective in preventing the spread of the virus. 

Basically, Jack Ma is the man.

Its important to note that COVID-19 is by no means defeated even in China, and we encourage our readers to continue their efforts to stay healthy and safe.

INFOGRAPHIC: How Effective Are Face Masks Against Coronavirus?

[Cover image via Pixabay]

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