CoronaVirus Daily Digest: >1100+ Recovered, Wuhan City-Wide....

Source: China Daily, People's Daily, CGTN, SCMP, Global Times, Xinhua, iFeng, BBC, JobTube, Majdi     

For Expats in Hangzhou & Zhejiang

 Official Account Launched

A WeChat official account for covering the outbreak in Zhejiang and Hangzhou has been launched. The new account will provide information in English about the Novel CoronaVirus outbreak in the province, with latest news and governments announcements.

Outbreak Handy Tools for Expats

1) Outbreak Real Time Data in English

2) Join a community WeChat group and connect with expats in your city/province; get latest local & embassy announcements; tips for buying masks and shortage goods; handy tips from your city; distinguish between fake and real news. 

3) Get list of airlines canceling or suspending China flights. 

The three above services are available in JobTubeDaily home page, you can access them as below: 

For more Wuhan Virus News:

  • App To Assist Avoiding Wuhan Virus & Finding Clinics

  • Wuhan Virus Live Data, now available in English

  • I survived Wuhan Virus, This is my Story - Interview!

  • The Source of Wuhan Virus Has been Confirmed Now!

  • How to Keep Yourself Safe from the Wuhan Virus!

  • 8 Key Questions About New Coronavirus

