Woman Draws Nationwide Attention After Posting This Online!

Source: JobTube, Arianna J., Freya W., Josh B.

On January 17th, a woman posted a set of photos on her Weibo showing that on last Monday, January 13th, a non-business day of the Palace Museum, she drove a luxury car through the Gate of Supreme Harmony and parked there. Her actions triggered nationwide anger as its known to all that since the beginning of 2013, motor vehicles have been banned in the open area of the Forbidden City in order for protection.

Post, apology and deletion

The womans Weibo

Later the same day, the Palace Museum confirmed the news and issued an apology promising such an incident would never occur again.

Translation of the announcement:

"As for todays incident, a netizen claimed on the internet that she drove into the Forbidden City on Monday, which has been verified to be true. The Palace Museum is deeply distressed and sincerely apologizes to the public. In the future, we will strengthen the management and put an end to such incidents. Thank you for your care and supervision."

Later, with the rapid rise of public opinion, the woman deleted the post.

Public: we dont buy it

However, the public opinion did not subside. Thousands of netizens expressed their anger and disappointment.

Translation: I am really sad, everyone believed that you guys could protect the most precious treasure of the Chinese nation, but now Im so disappointed, its way too easy to break the trust.

Translation: The Palace Museum is a cultural relic that never belongs to individual. It was a matter of responsibility. The administrator had no right to make allowances for that.

Translation: Simply wondering when the curator will resign?

Translation: No public punishment?

Translation: Ive always loved the Palace Museum, and I sincerely admire the efforts of several generations to protect it. This year is also the 600th year of the Palaces existence, and this is the birthday gift to her? A Benz? It's awful to read this statement. Arent we supposed to pass on a well reserved Palace Museum to the offspring in next 600 years?

Not a Rare Case

Although since 2013, motor vehicles have been banned in the open area of the Forbidden City and the maintenance personnel normally chose to walk or ride a bicycle in the yard to protect the floor tiles, the media reported that as early as 2018, some people had already driven into the Palace Museum.

Posted on Weibo on November 21st, 2018

Translation: The first time driving into the Forbidden City, we three in the car were very excited. Want to do it again in winter when there is snow, Chinese red is the best color.

Released on Weibo on December 23rd, 2019

Translation: Driving into the Forbidden City is a new experience. When entering the internal parking lot from Donghua Gate, the width of the car can just pass through. If the car is wider, I would lose my rear-view mirror. In the early morning, the Forbidden City is quiet, solemn and magnificent, and the history is in each brick, tile, and stone step. Walking on it, all these small moods start to fade and then disappear. Ups and downs, all gone. On the winter solstice day, it is most satisfying to be with family and friends.

As of now, no explanation has been given why these people can drive into the Palace Museum nor how they managed to do so.

