CoViD-19: Two Iranians Die; S.Korea Outbreak risk; New Publi..

Source: China Daily, People's Daily, CGTN, SCMP, Global Times, Xinhua, iFeng, BBC, CNN, CBSNews, BusinessInsider,CNBC, Aljazeera, JobTube, Majdi      

Two Die in Iran

Two Iranians have died in the hospital after testing positive for the new coronavirus in the holy Shiite city of Qom, the head of the citys University of Medical Sciences told Mehr news agency on Wednesday. 

Iran confirmed earlier in the day its first two cases of the virus, government spokesman Ali Rabiei said, shortly after reports that preliminary tests on the two had come back positive. The health ministry said earlier that the patients had been put in isolation. Reuters. 

Hubei Daily Confirmed Cases Down to 349

Central China's Hubei Province, the epicenter of the novel coronavirus outbreak, reported 349 new confirmed cases on Wednesday, bringing the total number in the province to 62,031.

It's the first time since January 29 that the daily new cases in the province were below 1,000.

Second Death in (China) HK

Hong Kong hospital confirmed the death on Wednesday of a 70-year-old man due to the virus. It is the second coronavirus-related death in the city. 

Outbreak Risk in South Korea

South Korea was hit with 20 new confirmed cases of the deadly coronavirus on Wednesday, as a cluster emerged that appeared linked to a single member of a religious group. 

The 31st person confirmed to have the virus in the country was a 61-year-old woman from the city of Daegu, about 150 miles south of the capital Seoul. She is a member of a religious sect. 

It remained unclear how or when she contracted the disease, but she has no recent history of travel to China. Before her diagnosis was confirmed, the woman recently continued to attend her church services with about 500 other people, traveled to Seoul by train, and attended a wedding with hundreds of guests in Daegu. 

Of the 15 new virus cases now confirmed in Daegu, 14 are also members of her religious group.

Workers from a disinfection service company sanitize a street in front of a branch of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where a woman known as "Patient 31" attended a service in Daegu, South Korea, February 19, 2020.


Beijing's Schools Opening in March, Rumor

Beijing Municipal Education Commission responded that the rumors talking about Beijing schools opening in March were untrue, and the opening time of school should be determined according to the development of the epidemic.

Egypt Case Tests Negative

A foreign national who was recently announced to be Egypt's first case with novel coronavirus has tested negative for the virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) and Egypt's Health Ministry said on Wednesday.

CoronaVirus Might NOT Disappear

It is highly likely that the COVID19 will co-exist with human beings for a long term, like the flu: expert in respiratory.

25 million Masks Busted So Far

As of Tue, Chinese police have busted some 25 mln counterfeit masks of poor quality, arresting 1,084 suspects in 459 cases concerning medical equipment and fake drugs amid national battle against #COVID19: Ministry of Public Security data. 

621 Infected on Cruise Ship 

A bus leaves the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship at a port Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, in Yokohama, near Tokyo. The U.S. says Americans aboard a quarantined ship will be flown back home on a chartered flight Sunday, but that they will face another two-week quarantine.

Jae C. Hong | AP Photo

79 new infection cases with COVID19 were confirmed on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. So far, a total of 621 people on the cruise ship have been diagnosed with coronavirus. 

Meanwhile, around 500 disembarked on Wednesday, with the rest of those eligible leaving over the next two days. Confirmed cases were to be sent to hospital, while those who shared cabins with infected passengers may still be kept on board. 

Private Cars Banned in Wuhan

Private cars in Wuhan, the epicenter of #COVID19, are banned from driving through the city, as a further enhanced measure to curb the spread of the virus.

Transmission through Aerosol

COVID19 can transmit through aerosol if the virus existed in an enclosed environment with a high concentration of aerosol for too long: Chinas top health body

100 Infections Before Dec 31

Chinese CDC's latest research detects that there were over 100 COVID19 infections + 15 deaths before December 31, 2019, based on a retrospective investigation of 44,672 confirmed patients. 

Adidas Business Dropped 85%

Adidas reports 85% drop in China business activity

German sportswear maker Adidas said business in China dropped by about 85% year on year as the coronavirus outbreak has resulted in store closures and fewer customers visiting the remaining outlets.

16 Wuhan Universities Converted Into Quarantine Sites

Enhanced preparedness for treating COVID19 patients: #Wuhan will turn 16 universities to quarantine sites to offer 15,000 rooms as a backup, as the city enters the decisive stage of fighting the epidemic

Sentenced 3 Years for Selling Toilet Paper as Masks

A man from Shanxi Province, Yicheng country, was fined 5000 Yuan and sentenced to three years in prison on suspicion of fraud when he sold toilet paper as a mask online. The victim buyer paid 31,780 Yuan in return for buying masks, upon his shipment arrival he discovered a 3 packs of toilet paper, and no masks, he reported the case to the police on Feb 14 and the sentence was made on Feb 18. 

Watercolor specialist Liu Shouxiang dies from viral infection

Liu Shouxiang, a retried professor of the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, was unable to fulfill that wish of gaining more artistic leverage before the age of 70. The Wuhan native died from novel coronavirus pneumonia, aged 62, at the city's Jinyintan Hospital on Feb 13. 

New Public Guides

The National Health Commission (NHC) of China has released a public guide regarding the use of masks for prevention against novel coronavirus. Recommended masks vary for different groups of people.Here are the 3 newly released guides: 

Russia entry ban, won't apply to all Chinese nationals

Russia's entry ban for Chinese nationals will be partial and only affect those who travel with tourist, private, student and work visas, the country's Foreign Ministry said Wednesday, clarifying the conditions of a sweeping entry ban for Chinese citizens announced the day before. Visitors with official, business, humanitarian and transit visas will still be allowed into the country, the ministry said.

WHO Members Won't Go To Wuhan

Reported by CGTN: International members of the WHO expert team arrived in China last weekend. But they will not be going to Wuhan. Why? The UN Resident Coordinator in China told CGTN in an exclusive interview: Now, Wuhan health systems are under tremendous pressure of medical services, and this is not the best time to visit. He said that all attention should be focused on providing medical protection to the people of Wuhan. He also expressed that "hopefully, they (members of the experts team) will have the opportunity to visit Wuhan" in the future.

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