20191022 China News

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1US-based conglomerate Honeywell has launched its Smart Manufacturing Research Center in Shanghai, in a bid to further tap into the Chinese market by diversifying its investment and development in the country


Ninetygo, the neo travel lifestyle brand owned by Anhui Korrun Co Ltd, the first Shenzhen Stock Exchange-listed domestic suitcase manufacturer in China, plans to further diversify its product lines, to meet demand from the rising number of Chinese business and vacation travelers.


3Chinese currency has a stable foundation, according to senior officials and analysts, and they believe a prudent monetary policy is best for China to deal with domestic and external economic issues.

4A recent survey shows that 60.7 percent of Chinese people prefer in-depth travel to short and quick visits to popular sites just to mark their presence, the China Youth Daily has reported.


New home prices in four first-tier cities -- Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou -- increased 0.4 percent month-on-month in September, 0.1 percentage points higher than the previous month, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said.


China is pushing forward reforms on the fiscal powers of central and local governments with a high-stake action plan on some of the country's most important taxes.

7More than 76 percent of Chinese young people think they are living a sped-up life, according to a survey released by the China Youth Daily. Young people surveyed living in first- and second-tier cities widely consider they live a faster lifestyle, with 78.9 percent and 77.6 percent, respectively.


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ENDSourceGlobaltimes, Xinhuanet, Chinadaily, Shine, GdtodayChina Plus News

Author: Producer Emilio Mendez

Speaker: Caroline Parraguez

Edition: EAcham

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